Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thankfull to Lord but ...

I have all that i was dreaming..supportive husband, healthty good baby son, healthy parents, my sister is happy with her family.. But ya Allah, why i feel sad? i m thinking about things that i do not have ..i am still not getting graduated from my bachelor degree..everytime i continued my study there was always things that block it. why? did not it what i need? i am afraid God..i am afraid of future is not going to be lighter for me my family, my parents, my sister's I am sorry ya Allah for things i have not done in the past, for things that i have mistakenly done in the past..please help me to get up..please show me how ya YM Mursyid..please assist me as your student..please give my husband great job ya Allah, which give him happines , steadiness, career, and give us lots of fulfill our needs, and gives to family, and others..we will not forget to give ya Allah..ya Rasulullah, please help us , please love us..amiin

Saturday, March 06, 2010


nature from the launch of renas & ran PB 19feb2010

my baby staring at...

I found out that it is cute whenever I see my son's staring at my pattern blouse. Today i found this information : that there are patterns to stimulate our baby's vision. These patterns could be used as pillow's patterns, and could be put anywhere in the house coz they are beautiful pattern. So, maybe this is why my baby son always staring at people's faces??? or he finds those faces speaks a thousands words to him? upss got to teach him that it was not polite to do..

My Mom

My beautiful Mother Yurnita Kamal.  Kind person , strong will , but hard to deal with. Especially whenever our ideas are different with he...